Taking Another Ship: The Softness She Breaks [Part 3.5?]

“How can I make you believe in a night out with your home dog here, little lady?” The “little lady” bit was ill-advised he instantly felt.

“D-d-don’t do that.” A stutter. He was about to comment when she continued, “[hurlp] — that was the cold ice that did that” her slurping recovery to her stutter and ever so slight drool, dribble, and laugh — was the greatest thing he had seen thus far that year. He had no doubt that this was the best moment of his life perhaps thus far. An audience with the Wild Witch of Green Lantern Lane. (Not just a wild business opportunity…)

His blood’s level of hashish made some thoughts overshadow his lady, but he snapped to and leapt forward.

… “I never seen one this beautiful. Seen some savages in my time if that’s what you mean.” He was vaguely aware she had asked about witches and had he seen one ever before. He could only hear so-so over the din of knives and oil splatter.

He looks to his right: a sunbeam of Fungzhou paved road. Marbled thinly. Veins of yellow sulfur crystal yellow not quite dirt…but the Ming Hui lanterns…the oil is seafood. The buzz of light heavenly glows around the friendliest stern faced mommas and uncles giving you garlic green beans and fermented crab. Like a … a movie. Sunwashing into a wanderlust of nostalgia and discovery all at once — pure ecstatic joy. (Joy-san)… This is someplace like home. Yet, no place at all. No, not really.

“No.” Her lips gathered his attention sub-concsiously as her mind hesitated on her commitment to this strange dalliance. “No, I mean a real. Deadly evil witch.” Then with the word “evil” came her PTSD and her alter-ego…

Hans looked out the window as if imagining for real a flying witch bursting through to reap revenge for all the wronged, kidnapped, murdered women across all time. So, she turned inside. Hans had to say something soon–

“You know, all these women wanna be bad — the baddest b’s I’ve ever known have all been humble ranch moms who squirted out more babies than they can do multiplication tables for but they can visualize any problem, any table, any construction, any dish, any plan is no hectic enough for these real…ah there I go, nostalgic about my home country.” Hans was surprised at his patriotic outburst himself.

“You’re different,” she looked to the left and right in a way — in a deadly serious yet playful way that assured Hans that she would back him. Back him up no questions — but that the flashy suit was right — this girl was accessories not included. “Come, we should really talk somewhere else,” Joy-san said.

Past dull yellow lights and stalls of honey vendors. (What’s with the most random vendors here in Shanghai, Hans always noted bemusedly). A cop turns his head as if he already knows the plot to come with The Witch of Green Lantern Lane running down around the corner of the Two Thithers pub and Oak Barrell Street into the Lower Parkway. Then to the left at the Prestige Liquor store and right at the adult learning center with the Roman columns and there was an abandoned communal gardening plot that the derelicts and dirtbags like Hans and apparently this icon of a beauty used well for absconding and smoking.

[…Astronomy and Metaphysics laid down…]

“I never would have seen it that way.”

With the vapors trailing into the heavens there went their doubts and electric tickles over each other. Their cool vibes and competing souls shining. A spreading warmth with every shared puff of sage herb and concurring thought.

“Yeah, I mean, with all the cruelty in the world, it only makes sense that God is inherently evil and that it is humanity’s job to learn evil. We must learn it to manage it. Because in all our millenia of religious fervor and instruction to do GOOD, we can only seem to keep hurting each other…”

Hans is naive so he goes “Oh.” And takes this unprompted theory at face value. But, “Wait, that’s not possible,” he chuckles, “there has to be an odd number sometimes.”

She smiled at him, not intending to understand his apparent non-sequitur. “Look, that pigeon has a big brown spot next to a little brown spot.” She thought of her grandma for some reason. And this let her know she was in safe company. Not that she ever judged this would-be snake wrangler as anything but a cherub in wolf’s clothing. “Did you know pigeons only fly in odd numbers? They always have one pigeon out to buddy up with a new pigeon.”

“No, not with pigeons. They always find an extra mate before taking off.”

“Well what about a single flying pigeon? You can’t deny you’ve seen a single flying pigeon. Huh?” He was already feeling his face getting red with embarrassment at committing to this tease. He would have to commit harder but it wasn’t in him and she lambasted him half a micron over it. Little things the hormones and hearts do of young lovers of little signs and irritations.

“One doesn’t count, one is not a real number. I mean –” Here she almost shouted, which startled Hans, “–I mean, it’s real, just doesn’t behave regularly.”

Hans knew some math and he felt instantly nerve-wrecked to not say the wrong thing and show that his knowledge was less than hers. The math wizard accountant of Boss Di she was. So he did what was natural, and clammed up while he rummaged through his mind, settling on images of his university school bullies who niggled him for not learning advanced math. So he said nothing and appeared noble.

Later they strolled through the touristy antique district with the store front banquet dim sum places. An arc’ d’triumph was there. An Eastern one. These antique stores. The two average height humans dazzled and marveled at the mythical pure red phoenix and stalwart jade dragon. So noble these divine creatures. Reminding us of the unforgiving stance of nature: fuck you, your time is up.

“If I bought this for you,” Joy said pointing at a metallic gray glistening mangled cliff and tree statuette, “you would owe me.”

He didn’t quite get the play, Joy looked left and right.

“Yeah? I could owe you some baloney.” When in doubt go sexual he felt all of a sudden. What didn’t work before…

Well luck be a lady tonight because before he knew it he was in her flat. He remembered later there were curtains draping over everything. An artist’s studio cliché. A nightstand with a lamp from Tajikistan. She invited him to sit by her side. She half expected she would have to give him a hand job before she could get rid of him but he didn’t press her. Just kept his finger hovering over her button. Talking small but tender in a way.

…”Oh, you didn’t want to see him bragging anymore.”

Little things that showed he was listening.

“You’re my White Knight.” She would say one night over the phone as he opened a new letter containing a drawing from Joy-san — a cartoon regal Knight sketched with bemused love. She meant it. Hans was her friend. And it meant the world to her.

Hans wanted more. She should know his body and his sex and manhood. She should know he is better than those other cockamamey briggands she’s been with before.

“The determinant of a 2×2 matrix is the major row multiplied through minus the minor row multiplied through. For a 3×3 matrix, you take any row or column’s items and multiply them in an alternating summation subtraction sequence with the determinants of the resulting 2×2 matrixes.” (And such it goes on for any size matrix like Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception, expect in this time it was Groundhog day and — the greatest American romance ever written).

He learned well from Joy, but also snuck constant peeks at the peaks of her perky bosom.

Taking Another Ship: The Softness She Breaks [Part 3]

What do I, Ptolemy, think of our Hero, Hans, and the fast-ship, Eldeweiss — ?

He told me once, back in his Saõ Paulo days, after seeing the (self-proclaimed) sex-machine African man harass his friend on the subway, he came across a destitute but big-hearted homeless black youth on the street. Chico gave him $10 and the man brightened like a golden dandelion. He said “God bless you!”. Chico told him “No, God hates us.” The kid said “No, no, you are wrong…” etc as he followed him some steps.

….Remember one of our debates…

“I got this, I got this. What it mean that thing evil?” asked Joffrey the Jamaican, “I heard a steel-class mind once arrive at the conclusion that evil is that which takes resources away from the Earth and uses it to unleash suffering upon the world.”

“Should be also, frank…” Hans, our Hero, said in his misty-tongued way, beginning a typical metaphysical word flow that used to earn him the name “Preacher”…

From somewhere behind them, “What is a ‘should’ in a world without God?”

This debate had gone multidimensional.

God is 0 and 1 is Unity
*reality is some matrix of this
*God exists when a Confluence befalls you – that is spirit power in action

“See zero is also Nothing — with a capital N. The horizon of all existence. A paradoxical waterfall which consumes eternity and spews Birth and Renewal.” Thus spoke the Preacher when off the vapors.

Such were the good old days of working as the sous chef of a tourist attraction liner in the South China Sea. You know those heavenly rockscape isles off clam-baked sand beaches in Vietnam? Our hero spent his formative years meandering in its wonders. He got to know the most sublime female landscapes he thought only existed in exotic art house movies, and lived as a bumkin — learning Tai Chi with the old folk during port stays.

This is how Preacher became a legend in his men’s hearts in addition to his captain’s favorite (from heady midnight oil burning debates on politics and ethics).

During the 3rd season, a feisty Arab named Mah’oun who sported a steel wool beard and shark tooth necklace would outpace every other sailor at work, curse their laziness and drunken lack of morals, and in general be a thorn in everyone’s side. Then one pre-dawn session of yoga and Savate boxing drilling saw our hero face to face with a browning out Mah’oun reeking of sticky hashish.

“YOU. Why you no drink the white devil drink?”
“You mean alc — rum?” Going for the more familiar word.
“Yesssss, the brown shiiit.” He hung up on the last word as if confused of its meaning.
“No. But if you like hashish you should join us in the stow on the night before leaving port. We christen our mission with a righteous smoke circle.”

The next moment saw our hero’s aura shock into a new flavor and take a half-step back at the sight of hate and fervor in Mah’oun’s eyes. “WHO SAY you I like hashish!?” The transition of accents into a dissaproving note, each word knocking down the door of his boundary, his respect and pride crushed underneath the rapid advance of those words, the clangorous calvary of his new enemy.

Not that day.

The next part is best told by Stoogie, a former Indiana basketball player who learned the trade helping illegal seal fur hunters in the icy waters south of Patagonia. He was visited by a vision of the Virgin Mary in the personage of his beloved nana — and converted to ocean wildlife activist radical extraordinare. Then he became extremely well known by the private goons for raking up large sums of debt and then somehow the bookie gets arrested for something he did in the 70’s with China…

“So fuckin’ Mah’oun act like he walkin’ away — then he flip back flash on homeboy–”

Did we mention Stoogie was a 6’4″ gold-teeth sporting afro-centric white boy? “–like [WHAM] hit him with the Muhammad Ali whiplash and I thought Preacher was done for, but he like ghosted that shit, just glanced his jaw and he went beserk! on the motherfucker. Got crouched like Tyson and [BAM] [BAM] hit him with the upper cut! Sent that [ninja] flying!”

And thus was born the legend of Preacher. Though if you asked him, he wanted to be remembered by his holliday scallop and butternut squash soup.

But Mah’oun was underground royalty, nobody knew…and now Hans had to decide between staying on the fringes of the community or banking in with the Shanghai triads for security…

Taking Another Ship: The Softness She Breaks [Part 2]

[…]but this shot to go back and find her. To even check out that dusty bar…well it brings hope. Like a real drunk would say. Except I don’t want to go back to that bar for an expertly made Mai Tai or even to look like a cool thug. I am done with all those kinds of lives. I’m not even what you could designate as a business man any longer. I am simply a traveler. Selling his wares when he can. And I’m in love with a devilish spirit.

Shall I go on describing her in full detail. No, instead I will give you an idea of who I am. Basically, if you, like almost everybody these days is, familiar with fantasy novel jargon and video games you know of the warrior-bard character. That’s me. A well, misguided monk. Somebody who should have been put in front of wayward sinners to preach to, instead found himself with more desperate tongues to voice than a gifted schizophrenic on a busy train platform.

These days I am quite satisfied with a green tea. Jasmine green tea with a toasted rice crust. They served that on Tuesdays at the bar in question. The bar which stole my heart. Which left me worse off than homeless and hopeless last Detroit vacation.

Jasmine scented toasted topped green tea which, when consumed at the most climactic point of release for its aromatics – well, it’s better than most steaks consumed medium rare.

This girl. Simply named Joy. But regarded as The Witch of Green Lantern Lane, I swear, I would learn later it really did come down to how delicate those eyebrows were…

But first before any of this makes sense, I have to explain how my friend Chico got me in this mess in the first place. How Chico and I came to know each other, briefly, but more importantly how he taught me to be a man, and how he taught me how to pick the right ship…

Being a man? Simple. Finding the right woman. Find her? As easy as following your nose Chico would say.

But first you have to figure out how to save the world. Which involves money. So he always told me to look for the quickest most agile ship. When looking for a fishing boat, a boat of leisure, a hypothetical spaceship, doesn’t matter. Speed über alles. And the goodship Eldelweis was as sleek as you can find. Red and Brown and Tan and Black classic lines. The colors of the united Han people. Anyways, a bow curve that makes you think of hot knives. Sails made of a textile not even classified it was so far ahead of its time. And you know all this because well, you were born for this. Since I new I could find all my answers challenging evil on the street. Looking death straight not in it’s mouth, but rather, in the last place you would look. In books…

But right now let me explain Chico to you: Tall. Brave. You could tell he was brave just by how he dealt with being himself. One, it was clear he was pretty insane. Two, it was clear he could walk through life being insane possibly without referendum. See, only if you have been fortunate to have really known this guy can you see his true genius was how he carried being loved by all, hating himself through it all, and a libertine, a true libertine, but always fighting for his principles. It didn’t make sense. He made comedy out of everything that could be wrong about him, but stood up for those whom he deemed to live the right way. And in the end, if you are a white knight such as Chico and I were, this was the only way to go about it. You don’t stand up for yourself only. You’re a knight. You’re a murderer trained with weapons.

But I mean yes, he could tell you exactly how to take apart a nobel prize winning physics thesis and understand it, improve upon it, and submit it, and win one of your own. But he couldn’t tell you where he was going to be next month. Shit. No. He gave up on this before we even knew it was going to be an issue. (We — us in the old Uni).

And he for sure brought me to Joy. Joy-san I called her, preserving the honorific. To the Chinese it was “seifu”. So we called her Joy-seifu. You know, most of us never even got close enough to realize she used cloves as deodorant. She saved money this way and also it was a sign of her nature worshipping ways. And though the lucky ones of us got close enough to tell, we were so in love with her we could only smell our own stress-sweat. (Chico hater her).

Joy-san is what I secretly called her. I preferred the Japanese way most times. The other reason I gave in to this life: the food. It’s not just dim sum yakuza-triad conference buffet dinners. No, more dazzling than the women and money and shinier than any glazed Rolex watch – this intoxicating level of pleasure from food – on the streets under smoke filled tarps – by the estuary outside the city where you could feast on prime soy fermented crab meat like a true villager. It is what keeps even the most weary of us stuck in life’s throes…always something or another am I right?

So from Chico I learned how to be a man. From Joy I learned godliness. She eventually did teach me everything she knew about Mother Earth and challenging the frontiers of your own psyche…before she even threw down the sea-walls of my reluctance, my secret, she became my hah, well, math tutor to be honest.

It indeed started with her teaching me about linear algebra…it’s all just matrices Hans. This was before she used me to escape prison. Before I had the confidence to overcome any mortal danger…

Matrices. Before I can tell you about what makes a matrix important I have to explain to you the difference between a set and a list. Both are a collection of objects. But a set is unique objects only. That is, no repetition. A list’s items can repeat themselves. Both sets and lists are iretable, which means they are essentially repeating objects that the computer cycles through. Both are objects in themselves.